Saturday, September 14, 2013

It's Hard to Believe

It's hard to believe that a year ago, September 2012, we had no idea that our sweet daughter was on her way to us, that just a few short weeks later, our next miracle would be born.
A year ago we had no idea that at this time the following year, we would have a healthy, happy, thriving 10 month old joy of a baby girl who loves to eat, crawl like crazy, and is SO close to walking, you just can't blink every day for fear of missing it.  A baby with 8 teeth, 4 top and 4 bottom, who has taken 3 tentative steps and wants to keep us all guessing.  A sweet gift from God that loves to be held, even in the wee hours of the morning (!!!), and loves to hold her pink kitty cat lovey close when she's dreaming.  Sweet girl.

It's hard to believe that a year ago, we were thinking that it would be so wonderful to have another bundle of joy to love, but that we were okay with being a family of 3 if that is what was meant to be. 
Now? We can't imagine our lives without her.  All 21 lbs. 3 oz. of her!  We love every little crawl with her left leg out, willing herself to stand and walk and every blood curdling cry at 4:30 A.M. (!!!) when she can't sleep any longer and just wants to see us and know we are there and she is safe.  We know that this time shall pass all too soon and that eventually she will sleep soundly through the night without any reassurances or binky retrieving.  And then when we finally realize that time has passed, we will wonder where the time went.  So we are enjoying!  Every moment and every stage.  And it's wonderful!

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