Friday, November 22, 2013

National Adoption Month

( I stole this graphic from another blog...unfortunately I didn't copy the site...will try to find it...)

Happy National Adoption Month to everyone involved in the adoption triad, including those waiting!!!
Ode to Gracie's birthmom, as well as all the birthmoms out there!  We absolutely LOVE "our" birthmom! She's family to us. We see her as another daughter of ours, though she lives out of state.  We seriously wish she lived closer.  If it weren't for her, we wouldn't have our precious blessing of a second miracle.  Thanks to her, we do. We are ever so grateful.
To Gracie's BM-- Thank you for trusting us to love her forever.  Thank you for giving us this precious gift of a lifetime with such a precious soul.  Thank you for coming into our lives and blessing us with YOU.  Our lives are much richer and meaningful with you.  We mean that from the bottom of our hearts.  Thank you.  You are a blessing from God.

She's One!

I should have posted this on October 31, 2013.  Unfortunately, life gets in the way, so I'm just now posting...Happy Birthday, Gracie!  A year ago, we were sitting in a PA hospital anxiously yet prayerfully awaiting your arrival.  Soooo many emotions that day!  I remember it snowing lightly as we made our way there from VA.  The snow stopped while BM was in labor.  Then while she was in the ER prepping for C-section surgery, the snow lightly started falling again.  You are our fall/ "winter weather" baby!
I love seeing our girls together everyday.  Our oldest daughter seriously thinks Gracie was created for her.  She hasn't been jealous once.  (There have been other "acting out" behaviors for DH and my benefit, but never jealousy or any wrong kind of behavior with her sister....That's okay.  We can handle it.  ;-)  ).