Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Magical Christmas

I apologize for the delay in posts.  It's been crazy since going back to work.  I need to find my new "normal." With that said, it was such a magical Christmas for sure.  It felt so complete, so right.  We are happy to be a family of 4 during Christmas and always.  A few pics of our Christmas miracles:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Meeting Our Daughter

DH and I went back to our room, prayed, paced, looked out the window (still lightly snowing), and waited. We were told they would start the surgery at 4:30. At 4:45, the nurse that was going to be in the OR with her came in and said they would start at 5:00. At 5:20, the nurse came back and told us to come meet our daughter. She had been born at 5:12.
Our baby girl was waiting for us in the nursery. She was born 9 lb. 5 oz. but she still looked small to us.  She had dark hair, the most perfect round little face, and a loud set of lungs!
BM had expressed to the nurses that she wanted me to cut the cord. She was still in recovery and DH was worried that BM didn't get to hold the baby first, but the nurse assured us that BM wanted us to cut the cord, she wanted us to hold the baby. DH held our beautiful daughter, then I got to cut the cord. She was not happy about being exposed. She couldn't wait to be bundled up in her blankets and little hat. We were able to bring sweet Gracie to see her BM in recovery. Even though BM was a little loopy from meds during the surgery, she was still as sweet as pumpkin pie. She had just had our baby, but she said "It makes me happy to see you happy. Congratulations." Have I told you how awesome she is? Unfathomable. Just wow.
BM needed rest.  We were able to keep Gracie in our room that night, all except for the constant influx of nurses coming in at random hours to take her to get screened, tested, poked, and prodded.  It's funny how much you "forget" about taking care of a newborn.  It had been 4 years, so DH and I were a little rusty that first night.  It's amazing, though, how it all comes flooding back.  "Oh yeah, I remember that!"
The rest of the hospital stay was just as great.  It was awesome spending that quality time with BM and her mom, too.  Sometimes Gracie would stay with us, other times BM asked us if it was okay for Gracie to stay in her room.  Were we worried?  Not at all.  There was a trust there that can't be described.
I can't get over how well the hospital staff treated us.  They even served us the fancy dinner that new parents get after their little ones arrive.  BM and her mom got a meal and so did we.  The plan was to eat dinner together, but we had dessert together instead since BM needed her rest.
All too soon, it came time for us to leave the hospital (after mounds of more paperwork).  This was the most difficult time of the whole experience.  Even though BM was happy for us, she was still grieving. Understandably.  We were prepared for that.  What we weren't prepared for, however, is the emotions WE would feel leaving the hospital.  We were so excited to have our new bundle of joy to love forever, but we were also so sad for the BM.  We grieved right along with her.  Even though we all agreed that we were all gaining new family, it was still very real that the child she had been carrying for the last 9 months was not going home with her.
BM and I exchanged cell phone numbers to text each other, even though we probably weren't supposed to.  All communication is recommended to go through the agency at first, until finalization.  However, we didn't feel guilty about this exchange at all.  I think it helped her to know that we weren't lying when we were saying that this isn't the end.  That we are a family now.  That any time she wants to talk to us, we are just a text away.
Before we left the state, we met for lunch one day.  She was able to meet my parents and our first DD. We were even able to take some professional pictures together on a different day.
I am so thankful for Gracie's BM.  She is a beautiful person, inside and out.  I love knowing that Gracie will be able to talk to her whenever she wants.  I love that we are all family and that there are no secrets.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Birth and Hospital Experience

I wanted to ake a moment to recount the birth of our sweet girl and the hospital experience before i forget be details.
When we were driving on our way to the the state where the birth was to take place, it was lightly snowing. I took this as a sign from God that everything was going to be okay. We snuggled into our hotel bed knowing this was the last night we were going to get of uninterrupted sleep for awhile. Well, between the horrible, lumpy bed, the noisy heater turning off and on throughout the night, and the butterflies in our stomachs, that sleep was just not happening. Almost comical.
The following morning on our drive to the hospital, it was wet and dark and cloudy. We didn't care about the weather, though, we were just a bundle of nerves, not knowing what to expect or how things would unfold. We arrived in the lobby at 7:00. We were supposed to meet the birthmother and her mom at 7:15 because she was scheduled to be induced at 7:30. Minutes later, they arrived. The sweet birthmother was a lot bigger than she was only weeks ago. How is that even possible? Poor girl, she was stretched to the max. We hugged and then she get directions to the L&D floor, and up we went. The 5th floor. That's where home as we knew it (or didn't know at that point) would be for the next 3 days.
While the birthmother got settled in her L&D room, we got settled in the family waiting room. The BM's mom was very good about keeping us informed, running back and forth between our two rooms to give us updates. However, we didn't have to stay there long, because she informed us that the hospital was giving us a room to stay in ourselves!
The hospital and nursing staff were extremely accommodating to us the entire time. I don't know if they had experienced adoptive families and birth families before, but they were very understanding of our situation and very friendly. They treated us equally, as if we had been the patient(s) as well. We also were able to go visit with our BM as she labored. Since only two other people could be in the room at a time, when it wasn't BM's mom and another family member, it was us! We were able to get to know her better during that time, talking about anything and everything to get her mind occupied. We were able to realize how alike our personalities are and how much we have in common. BM asked us to all be in her room at one point. She had a gift for us. Yes, that's how amazing she is. She had saved up through her pregnancy to buy little things here and there for the baby. Clothes, blankets, hair bow, socks...all perfect. All from her. BM's mom came to our room at one point and handed us an envelope and left. Inside the envelope was a letter she had written to us. 3 pages of why she felt this match was perfect and that she was so happy that we were going to be the parents of this baby. WOW. Tears.
Throughout the day, BM would get checked. She was not progressing, not dilating. Memories of my labor with DD kept flooding back. I did not progress past a certain point with her, either. of a C-section came up. The doctor had to go visit with some patients at his office until 5:00. If the BM still was not progressing by the time he came back to the hospital after his appointments, he would perform the C-section. BM started to get anxious. We tried our best to comfort her. As the day progressed, the sky gave way to the light snow once again. It was so beautiful watching the snow fall lightly through the windows while we waited as the BM labored.
 Surprisingly, the doctor came back early, around 3:30, and decided to go ahead with the C-section. BM was extremely disappointed and afraid. She had never been through any kind of surgery before and was completely terrified. Her mom, family member, DH and I stood over her in her hospital bed and held hands while we prayed that she would be comforted by God and that the doctor would have the wisdom to perform the surgery without a hitch, that there would not be any complications, and that BM would feel our love and support. Then she was prepped for surgery.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

This is...(continued)

Open adoption is beautiful.  Even before Gracie was born, we were able to communicate with her birthmother through our agency.  We would send emails to each other.  I posted the "This is..." post on our anniversary, October 23, because this is the email message we received from her that day:

Can you tell Josh and Lindsey  that i wish them a Happy Anniversary. I wish I could have had their baby today so this day could be extra special for them. I got the card also, and i am also very happy to do this for them. I also want them to know they have nothing to worry about, when this baby is placed in there arms, they are the parents  of it., and always will be. I want whats best for this little girl, and placing her with them is the best it could get. I just want them to know i think about them all the time and when i met them i felt a strong connection and would like to be friends with them, not just as the birth mom but as a person who cares.

Wow.  She is absolutely amazing.  Words cannot even describe it.  She is one of the most selfless people I know.  I love that Gracie will grow up knowing her birth mom and will be able to talk to her whenever she wants.  There will never be any doubt in her mind that she is loved and that her birth mom wants the very best for her.  

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

We Met...(continued)

The day we got "the call," our social worker told us that the expectant mother wanted to meet us the following Thursday, October 11.  She lives out of state, 7 hours away, and we were to meet at the Olive Garden for lunch.
We drove up on October 10, a Wednesday, got acquainted with the area a little, had pizza, and crashed at our hotel.  Our hotel, by the way, was Springhill Suites.  If you ever have the opportunity to stay in a Springhill Suites, do it!  They are fabulous.  The best part is that I scored an incredible deal through Priceline, so we only paid $70 for the night.
The next morning, DH and I were a bundle of nerves.  We told ourselves to just be ourselves. After all, she had chosen us for a reason.  Somehow, someone actually liked us enough to choose us to become her child's parents!  I know, weird, huh?  ;-)   I decided to ditch the little notepad I had been writing potential questions in the entire trip up and just go with the flow.
We arrived at the Olive Garden 15 minutes earlier than the scheduled meeting.  We didn't want to arrive after she did, figuring that wouldn't be good.  The waitress asked to seat us, but we told her that we were waiting for our party and  we'd let her know when they arrived.  After our scheduled meeting time came and went, the waitress asked again to seat us, so we let her seat us.  15 more minutes went by.  DH and I started to get panicky.  Did she change her mind?  Were we at the right Olive Garden?  Is there more than one Olive Garden in the area?
At that moment, I got a call from our social worker in VA asking where we were because their social worker was waiting for us.  Turns out, she was in front of the restaurant waiting for us (where we had been prior to the waitress seating us).  The expectant mother had not arrived yet.  She and her mom were running a little late and would arrive 5 minutes later.  We waited in the front.
A few minutes later, she and her mom rounded the corner.  I didn't know quite how to feel or what to expect until that moment.  All I wanted to do at that moment is to immediately wrap my arms around this incredible girl.  So I did.  She had the biggest smile on her face.
Lunch went very well.  We instantly felt a strong connection with both the e-mom and her mom.  The social worker had an easy job because the conversation flowed as if we had known each other for years.  E-mom was so sweet.  We have so much in common and the match just made sense.
There were many, many God stops during this trip.  After all they have been through, e-mom and her mom are two of the most unselfish people I have ever met.  Simply amazing.   Most of all, we are humbled and honored to be chosen to raise this e-mom's baby.  Through e-mom's own words, "I feel like God chose you guys through me to be the perfect parents for this baby."  Wow.  Tears.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Call

 The past month has been so busy, exciting, beautiful, and nerve-wrecking!  I was driving home from work on October 2nd, talking to my Mom on my cell, when I got a call on the other line.  I told my Mom I would call her back because it was from the agency.  I didn't really suspect anything, especially when it ended up being the agency's director.  I figured if it was indeed, "the call," we would get it from our social worker, so I figured the director was calling to see if we were interested in attending an adoption class that was coming up.

Well, lo and behold, it WAS "the call!"  The call we had been waiting for for almost a year.  The call that we were starting to think would never come.  A birthmother had chosen us!!!!  We were chosen to become parents of her baby!!!!  The baby girl was due at the end of the month!!!!   Hello, Cloud 9!

The director called us herself because our social worker happened to have taken a few days off that week.  She went on to explain that it was a situation we had heard about prior to this call, one I had felt a connection to for some unknown reason, unlike any other situation before.  The birthmother wanted to meet us the following Thursday in her home state!

I frantically called DH....Crazy, Cloud 9 emotions followed...thrilled, nervous, excited, crazy!  ECSTATIC!  We are going to have another miracle!!!!  Thank you, God!
I called my Mom back, she didn't answer.  I called every phone number she had to try to reach her, but she didn't answer.  Are you kidding me?!!  She always answers her phone!  I tried to call my Dad.  Same thing, he didn't answer any phone, either!  Finally my Dad called back and then my Mom beeped in....I think I told the news and made some kind of sense, but not really.  Everyone was so excited!

That sweet baby's room has never seen so much action in one night.  It went from bare to furnished and full of baby clothes and crib ready all in a few hours.  Can you tell we were excited?!!  I can't even begin to describe that feeling.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Our Second Miracle Has Arrived

Our second miracle has arrived!  Introducing...

Gracie Maya
October 31, 2012
9 lb. 5 oz.
20 in. 

Gracie was welcomed into our arms on Halloween night at 5:12 P.M.  She's gorgeous and we're so happy to finally be a family of 4.  

1 Samuel 1:27
"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him."

Gabby is such a proud big sister.

I will write separate posts for when we got "the call," when we met the expectant mother, our hospital experience, and adjusting to life as a family of 4.  Stay tuned.
Praise God!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sneak Peek

I know I have been very vague with my last few posts.  There is a reason for that.  Here is your Sneak Peek...

I promise I will fill you in on details soon.  Thanks for being patient.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

This is....

...absolutely beautiful..... be continued............

Friday, October 12, 2012

We met...

...the most amazing young woman yesterday.... be continued....

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Adoption Tax Credit...We Need Your Help!

We received the following email from our agency today.  They had gotten it from the Dave Thomas Foundation. PLEASE PLEASE call your Rep and urge him/her to become a co-sponsor of The Making Adoption Affordable Act, H.R. 4373!!!  If it expires we will not get the adoption tax credit, which we could REALLY use to help offset our adoption expenses.  Adoption is extremely expensive...but we believe so worth it.  Thank you for taking the time (it really only takes a few minutes!) to support us with our adoption efforts.  
Josh and Lindsey

Dear Supporter of Adoption:
If Congress does not act - the tax credit as we now know it - will expire on December 31, 2012.
If the adoption tax credit helped you or someone you know to adopt a child or if it could help you in the future to adopt a child, call your Representative today and urge that he or she cosponsor the bipartisan bill H.R. 4373, the Making Adoption Affordable Act.
We are contacting you today to urge you to call your Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives. You can reach your Representative by calling the U.S. Capitol Operator at 202-225-3121 and asking for your Representative's office. If you don't know your Representative's name go to and enter your zip code in the box provided.  
  • I am a constituent in your district and the adoption tax credit is important to me. (It matters to me because…)
  • I urge the Representative to become a co-sponsor of The Making Adoption Affordable Act, H.R. 4373.
  • If Congress does not act – the credit as we now know it – will expire in December 2012.
  • H.R. 4373 is bipartisan and it supports all types of adoptions (domestic private, foster care, and international adoptions).
  • This tax credit has made adoption a more viable option for many parents who might not otherwise have been able to afford adoption, allowing them to provide children with loving, permanent families.
  • Thank you for your support of H.R. 4373.
If you want to learn more about the adoption tax credit go to
Also, “like” the Save the Adoption Tax Credit mission on Facebook at: 

Also, random thoughts of today...
Even though there are situations we aren't chosen for, I know that it's because it's not the right match and there is another family that is the perfect match.  Every time we know we're being shown, though, it is difficult to NOT get excited about the possibility.  It's just a matter of leaving it in God's hands, knowing we're not in control, and trusting that our time will come.  How exciting!  It could be any moment, and we are choosing to enjoy the small things until that moment.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Another Situation

We had another situation just outside our profile key earlier in the month.  After researching the situation and praying about it, we decided to be shown.  We weren't chosen, but we know that baby went to the family that he/she is meant to be in.   We are in the 8th month now waiting for a match, so we are starting to feel impatient.  We know that it will happen when it's supposed to happen, but we just want the time to be YESTERDAY!!!  or LAST WEEK!  It is what it is, though, and it WILL happen when it's supposed to happen.  We keep reminding ourselves that average time is about a year and we haven't gotten there yet.  However, our DD was born right before the last Summer Olympics, so wouldn't it be cool to have another baby during THIS Summer Olympics?  I guess time will tell.  It will probably happen when we least expect it.....but when is that?!!!

BTW- we had our second home visit last week.  It went well.  We love our social worker, she's great!  She knows we are getting impatient and is very empathetic.  She can't wait to change our lives soon (hopefully) with THE CALL.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Red Tape

So, we have to have another home visit.  Not just us, but everyone who hasn't had their home visit within the past 6 months (we had ours 10 months ago) in the state of Virginia gets to do one again. We also had a small amount of paperwork to complete for shelter in place plans (Whoever thought of that?!).  This task was given to us on a Thursday and expected to be due back the following Tuesday, May 1st.  Not only that, but because the state has changed their regulations making it necessary for us to have an additional home visit, we also have to submit $100 to our agency.  Lucky us. 
It seems that for every step forward, there are three steps backward.  Wait a minute, we haven't had any steps forward!  Each month we get the Situation List and although we match with about 3-4 situations each time, we haven't gotten the call yet.  We haven't yet been chosen.  I know it hasn't even been a year yet, but it is discouraging nontheless.  It also makes doubt creep in.  Did we make the right decision in starting this adoption journey?  Maybe we should have just called it a day and gotten a dog instead??  At the end of the day, though, all we want is another baby (makes me think of the Ace of Base song).  We know that it will happen when the time is right.  We are enjoying our moments with DD that we won't get back once the new little one enters our world.  We know we want the perfect match with the situation that would fit our family perfectly.  Most importantly, we want to be the perfect family for that precious baby.  So we wait.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

First Situation

Last week (Tuesday) we got an email about a situation involving a premature baby in Richmond asking if we would consider having our profile shown to a BM with a situation a little out of what we specified to be comfortable with.  After thought, prayer, and research, we decided to have our profile shown.  This is a big deal because if we decide to have our profile shown, we better be ready to handle it!  We might be chosen to be this baby's parents!
The profile was supposed to be shown to the BM (along with other profiles) on Friday.  We haven't gotten "the call" yet, so we're thinking we didn't get chosen.  Our case worker starts the work week tomorrow (Monday), so if we haven't been chosen, I'm sure we'll get an email tomorrow.
Every time the phone rings at a time it normally doesn't (which has happened a lot, it seems, this week), I jump, thinking it might be it!  We are excited for "the call", whether it happens this time or another...whatever it is, it's God's timing, and we are ready for it whenever it happens.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Still waiting...

I haven't posted lately because not much is going on.  We continue to wait for the call.  Other than that, our case worker is retiring at the end of the month, so we will be meeting with our new case worker next week just to go over our situation and profile.