Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Call

 The past month has been so busy, exciting, beautiful, and nerve-wrecking!  I was driving home from work on October 2nd, talking to my Mom on my cell, when I got a call on the other line.  I told my Mom I would call her back because it was from the agency.  I didn't really suspect anything, especially when it ended up being the agency's director.  I figured if it was indeed, "the call," we would get it from our social worker, so I figured the director was calling to see if we were interested in attending an adoption class that was coming up.

Well, lo and behold, it WAS "the call!"  The call we had been waiting for for almost a year.  The call that we were starting to think would never come.  A birthmother had chosen us!!!!  We were chosen to become parents of her baby!!!!  The baby girl was due at the end of the month!!!!   Hello, Cloud 9!

The director called us herself because our social worker happened to have taken a few days off that week.  She went on to explain that it was a situation we had heard about prior to this call, one I had felt a connection to for some unknown reason, unlike any other situation before.  The birthmother wanted to meet us the following Thursday in her home state!

I frantically called DH....Crazy, Cloud 9 emotions followed...thrilled, nervous, excited, crazy!  ECSTATIC!  We are going to have another miracle!!!!  Thank you, God!
I called my Mom back, she didn't answer.  I called every phone number she had to try to reach her, but she didn't answer.  Are you kidding me?!!  She always answers her phone!  I tried to call my Dad.  Same thing, he didn't answer any phone, either!  Finally my Dad called back and then my Mom beeped in....I think I told the news and made some kind of sense, but not really.  Everyone was so excited!

That sweet baby's room has never seen so much action in one night.  It went from bare to furnished and full of baby clothes and crib ready all in a few hours.  Can you tell we were excited?!!  I can't even begin to describe that feeling.

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